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Recent activity by Hermione Recent activity Votes
  • The Truth About Dogs Wearing Clothes

    https://fidoseofreality.com/truth-dogs-wearing-clothes/ Bark is the new black, and some dogs truly have a better wardrobe than most of us, present company included. Dog fashion is all the rage an...


    http://www.neopaws.com/blogs/dog-clothes-types-of-dog-clothes-in-fashion/ Most dog owners treat their dogs like their children. Some of these owners do not hesitate to stress that their pets are im...

  • 11 Different Types of Dog Coats and Jackets

    https://www.dogster.com/lifestyle/types-of-dog-coats-and-jackets Ask any fashionista and they’ll tell you that a great coat selection is a staple of a well-rounded wardrobe. For dogs though, the ja...

  • Raw Feeding Primer: 10 Simple Rules To Get Started

    https://www.dogsnaturallymagazine.com/raw-feeding-primer/   Twenty-something years ago, I loved going to the pet store and dissecting bags of dog food and choosing the very best bag money could buy...

  • Raw Diet For Dogs: Can Your Dog’s Health Improve?

    Is it dinner time yet? https://www.caninejournal.com/raw-diet-for-dogs/ Raw dog food diets are controversial. While some think this is the way dogs were meant to eat before dogs became our pets, ot...

  • Three Major Reasons to Feed Your Pet a Homemade Diet…

    We've even made it onto Dr Mercola! https://healthypets.mercola.com/sites/healthypets/archive/2010/05/26/three-major-reasons-to-feed-your-pet-a-homemade-diet.aspx By Dr. Becker Listen as Dr. Karen ...

  • Kiss Kibble Goodbye: Homemade Dog Food Recipes

    Yum Yum, thanks Canine Journal! https://www.caninejournal.com/homemade-dog-food-recipes/ Imagine if you had to eat the same food every meal, every day of your life. Beyond being painfully dull, wou...

  • 5 Types of Dog Toys

    How about this one from American Kennel Club? https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/lifestyle/types-dog-toys/ A rope. A bone. A stick. There was a time when those were the only dog toys available. Time...

  • The Perfect Toys For 5 Types Of Dogs

    Bark Post has some great ideas: https://barkpost.com/life/perfect-toys-for-5-types-of-dogs/ No matter the pup, there’s a toy out there that’s made for their unique personality. And the best part of...

  • The importance of play for puppies

    We thought this article from VetStreet was worth sharing: http://www.vetstreet.com/our-pet-experts/why-play-is-important-for-puppies Besides being fun for both you and your dog, play serves an impo...